The introduction of the classic Energia power strip brings the listening experience a good deal forward, but not anywhere near the point that can be reached with the RCs. As soon as these are put into service, the soundscape comes into focus in all dimensions and owing to a more palpable low and middle range, becomes notably more spatial – one can also sum it up briefly: this is finer listening!

Irrespective of the different styles we were using for the listening checks, the effect remains the same. Which means that you don’t need a certain disc, artist or track to understand – you can use the material which brings you fun. In the editorial office Trentemøller is therefore being played time and again whose album »Chronicles« is too good for only chilling. »Gush« is the name of the track which is able to push hifi chains to their limits. A pulsating electronic bass orgy would be an appropriate paraphrase. The crucial difference the use of the RC brings about here is the unequalled clarity in the reproduction of electronic samples and a higher maximum playback level without the distortions that would onset earlier otherwise.

When describing these listening impressions it must be noted that it’s not about a comparison between components, but solely about their reaction to an optimised mains supply. Until now we could only realise these changes as intensely as with the RCs when the Energia Definitiva was at work – hence for triple the price. Another song to benefit from this is »Himmelblau«, one track on Schiller’s latest album »Atemlos«. Without the Energia RC, this piece presents downright nasty highs; furthermore the bass range simply drops away from the rest of the song and leads a rather dull life of its own. As soon as the devices are replugged into the RC 4/3, the picture becomes seamless, only now the interpretation appears to be really well-rounded.

Whilst the differences were already obvious so far, the RC could even top this with the recording of a solo violoncello. Listening to the accurately recorded Bach Suite Nr. 3 (BWV 1009), performed by Werner Matzke, it becomes clear that the use oft these mains distributors has not only an effect on the direct soundscape, but also on the room recorded with it. When the standard strip is used, the room around the instrumentalist is seemingly gone, it can only be perceived vaguely. When the HMS sits in front of the chain, somebody »just turns on a light in the room«, to bring in a colleague’s quotation. Whoever has listened to this recording in such a constellation, will no longer want to be content with a lower quality level. The HMS Energia RCs are no less than a milestone in terms of supplying mains to hifi and high-end sets.
